Wednesday, June 27, 2007

ROAM, move on baby!


Somehow, I like to roam.
Either am I fated or malcontent.

I am more comfortable when I am in unknown places.
Discovering the new world excites me.
It is easy to acclimatise myself to everywhere.

I want a real adventure. Something, If I don't do it, I never do it in my life anymore.

My German friend has been to South America and Africa, which I am not yet think about it. I would prefer to enter Arctic Circle.

I want to be in Greenland, the largest island in the world.
It is well-known as American Military base rather than Danish territory.
Well, Alaska may be a good choice, which is not like American territory on the contrary. I have dream to see the glacier in front of me!

Roam, roam, roam. (sing like Mazda advertisement in the US...)

PS. I want to go biking around Taiwan. Does any one want to go with me?

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thanks to join my birthday party. We will see each other again next year!

Birthday Party

Thursday, June 21, 2007

人總在失去後 才感傷

人 是個奇怪的動物
當你擁有一切的時候 不懂珍惜
當你失去一切的時候 開始感傷
忘了傷痛 又開始學會不去珍惜

心中那不服輸的基因 總是要試試

總是要在安逸時 傷傷自己

最後 只有惆悵陪自己

Monday, June 4, 2007


鄰居的小嬰兒 要我媽媽幫忙當保母

我頭ㄧ次帶小孩子 說真的 只能用很感動來形容
雖然不是自己的小孩 但是心裡對她就是會有牽掛

小生命真的很特別 看她的動作和表情 心裡就覺得很好玩
看她肚子餓就哭 想睡覺也哭 想方便也會哭
感覺小嬰兒好天真 很直覺式的表達 好直接
看著她 總是會很感動

說實話 我不知道耶
我看到她哭 就會想要抱她!
哈哈哈 我想以後我ㄧ定是很寵小孩子的爸爸